Contemporary Dance & Movement Eduction WORKSHOP

Gautam Nima is  starting a new Dance and Movement Education course in collaboration with Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science -Autonomous. Gautam Nima, a Dance Artist, Musician, Singer, Choreographer, and Educator with 15+ years of experience, holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in Dance and Choreography from Hollins University, Virginia, U.S.A. in collaboration […]

National Grappling Championship 2023

National Grappling Champonship 2023 Kerala MMA Association and Kerala Grappling Association are jointly conducting National Grappling Championship Sanctioned by the All India Mixed Martial Arts Federation at Indoor Stadium, Kozhikode, Kerala.   Speaking to the Karate Tv bureau Mr. Syam Prasad, President of Kerala MMA Association said that the event is aimed to get more trained […]

Rubén Cernuda Shihan’s Two Days Seminar

Two Days International Camp by Shihan Rubén Cernuda Org. By ISKA India Happy news for all Shotokan Lovers that there will be an open Seminar by Shihan Rubén Cernuda at VK Krishna Menon Indoor Stadium, Kozhikode, Kerala- INDIA. 2 days camp is open for all Karate Lovers, it is going to be a tremendous opportunity for […]

Takeshi Cup 2023 (International)

Takeshi Cup INTERNATIONAL 2023 SANKUKAI headquarters  announced the Takeshi Cup 2023, the officials informed that this time the Championship is open for international participants. Players from various countries around the world are expected.  In association with Takeshi Cup 2023 the Headquarters of SANKUKAI have announced a series of events which include DAN Grading, One Day tour […]

Kenyu Ryu Karate Do Championship 2023 (International)

Kynyu Ryu International Championship 2023 Kenyu Ryu Headquarter has announced its International Championship which will be conducted at Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala, INDIA. This Championship is the milestone to Kenyu Ryu’s International Series of Championship which will be organized every year. Various team from around the globe are expected to participate in this Mega Event. This […]

AKF Webinar

The Series of Webinar is announced in the month of August 2023 , it is opened for all those already have licensed in particular events Referee Seminar :  AKF Referee seminar is opened for those who is licensed under AKF in Referee and Judge. Coach Seminar :  AKF Coach seminar is opened for Current AKF […]


Kalaripayattu is one of the oldest martial art form in the world if not the oldest itself.  “Kalaripayattu” is derived from two Malayalam words “Kalari” which means “Dojo” (Training Arena) and “ Payattu” which means sparring.  This art is commonly called as “Kalari”  again from malayalam Kala+hari, “Kala” means the bad (bad health, character, mind […]

HANUMAN DAND: Traditional Indian Push-Up

The Hanuman Dand is a Traditional Indian Push-Up variation that has its roots in Indian Martial Arts and Yoga but it is specifically practiced in Indian Akhadas (Traditional gym for Wrestlers). This is a bodyweight exercise that does not require any special equipment and can be done by both advanced athletes and beginners to train […]